‘Spend Energy To Have Energy’

12th August, 2023 It’s a paradox and so familiar from experience, your energy level is often proportional to your energy expenditure. After a relaxing vacation, you’re exhausted. After weeks in quarantine doing nothing, you’re exhausted. After a day idly watching Netflix and scrolling and tapping a screen, you’re exhausted. On the flip side: after a […]

‘Cut Out The Bad Bits’

11th August, 2023 Jerry Seinfeld, the Billionaire actor, writer & producer identifies the ultimate skill of the artist as “taste of creativity and discernment.” “It’s one thing to create,” Seinfeld says. “The other is you have to choose. What are we going to do, and what are we not going to do is the final […]

‘The Salmon Run’

10th August, 2023 All major animal groups including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, mo insects & crustaceans migrate hundreds and thousands of miles and the trigger for migration my be local climate, availability of food, the oppressive season or for mating purposes. It is only we humans who are afraid to change and tend to […]

‘Which Fish Are You?’

9th August, 2023 Three fish lived in a pond. Their names were “Plan Ahead”, “Think Fast” and “Wait and See”. One day they overheard some men making a plan to go fishing in their pond the next day. They also mentioned about casting a net and selling fish in the market. “Plan Ahead” said, “I […]

‘The revealing powers of seeming irrelevant details’

8th August 2023 ​The world-famous chef Heston Blumenthal was once asked, before trying the food, can Heston tell if a chef/restaurant is good? “Yes, almost immediately after I sit down,” he said. “As soon as the butter is brought to the table.” Butter, he said, is an indicator of whether or not the chef has […]

‘Is Knowledge Power?’

7th August 2023 We often hear that knowledge is power. But this statement is only a half-truth. Knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge is power only when put to use—and then only when the use made of it is constructive. The story is told that the great scientist Einstein was once asked how many feet […]

Happy Friendship Day!

6th August 2023 To my true friend, may your joy be as deep as the ocean, and your troubles be as light as its foam, To my true friend, may our differences be written in sand and our friendship in marble, To my True Friend, who hears the worst about me and refuses to believe […]

‘Live Life’

5th Aug, 2023 The popular assumption is that no skills are involved in enjoying free time, and that anybody can do it. Yet the evidence suggests the opposite: free time is more difficult to enjoy than work. Having leisure at one’s disposal does not improve the quality of life unless one knows how to use […]

Don’t be Paranoid – Be Pronoid

4th Aug, 2023 I got introduced to a new word – Pronoia in psychologist Adam Grants book I read recently, ‘Give and Take’ in which, he writes about pronoia. Pronoia describes a state of mind that is the opposite of paranoia. Whereas a person suffering from paranoia feels that persons or entities are conspiring against […]

‘Accumulative Advantage’

3rd Aug, 2023 Have you ever wondered, why do a few people, teams, and organizations enjoy the bulk of the rewards in life? The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. Scientists have cataloged approximately 16,000 different tree species in the Amazon. But despite this remarkable level of diversity, researchers have […]