‘Follow your Dream’

8th Feb 2024 Let me share one of the key life lessons that have guided my life over the years, and a small but wonderful book that has brought this lesson to the fore every time I have read it. The book is Richard Bach’s ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull,’ which is a story about following your […]
‘Find your Passion’

19th Oct, 2023 One common piece of advice you might hear when deciding on a career is to “follow your passion.” Following the work, ideas & projects that make you feel fulfilled & motivated can help lead you to jobs you will enjoy and succeed in. While the idea is simple, it can be difficult […]
‘Take care of yourself’

7th Oct, 2023 Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in […]
Work – Life Balance

24th September, 2023 Most of us will spend a massive percentage of our time at work. We let it take over and feed into all aspects of our lives. Bearing this in mind it is essential to find the right balance and implement it in our workplace. This will allow us to switch off from […]
‘Choose Your Battles Wisely’

18th August, 2023 Life is filled with opportunities to choose between making a big deal out of something or simply letting it go, realizing it doesn’t really matter. If you choose your battles wisely, you’ll be far more effective in winning those that are truly important. Certainly, there will be times when you will want […]
Go for your dreams!

16th August, 2023 I asked a very successful business man – what his top 3 tips are for success. He smiled and said, “Read something no one else is reading, think something no one else is thinking, and do something no one else is doing. He asked me, “Have you ever dreamed a great dream […]
‘Why I Read books..cont’d’ How to Read

23rd July,2023 If you know how to read, then reading books is relatively easy. You simply have to make time to read. Easier said than done, of course. Warren Buffett, the man commonly referred to as the greatest investor was addressing students from Columbia University. One of the students asked Buffett for his thoughts on […]
Dream Big

20th July,2023 Dream big about what you want to achieve. Dream big about the life you want to lead and the difference you want to make. Dream big about the person you want to be. Dream big because you might surprise yourself. Dream big because until you do, you’ll have no idea what you’re capable […]
‘Don’t wait for perfection’

17th July,2023 The phrase “Perfect is the enemy of good” is often used to describe how people can get caught up in making things perfect and — as a result — never get anything done. The origins of the phrase are actually from a French proverb by Voltaire, which says” l’ennemi du bien est le […]
‘Choose Optimism’

11th July,2023 The last few days, nature unleashed its fury through torrential rains & a lot of destruction due to the downpour & rivers in spate. Some people, especially what we read or saw on social media, made us think that things could not have been worse. At times the media also highlights negativity. We […]