Work – Life Balance

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24th September, 2023

Most of us will spend a massive percentage of our time at work.

We let it take over and feed into all aspects of our lives. Bearing this in mind it is essential to find the right balance and implement it in our workplace.

This will allow us to switch off from work and give our personal lives equal measures of attention too.

A study by Aviva has been causing a bit of a stir recently. It revealed that, since the pandemic, people have become more focused on work-life balance than salary.

It says, “More workers said they were attracted to their current role for the work-life balance (41%) than the salary (36%).

This is a switch in rankings compared to 2019, before the pandemic.”

Work plays a significant part in all our lives. Our earnings ensure that the lights stay on, there’s food on the table and the rainy-day pot is full. With the looming aspiration levels & rising inflation playing on everyone’s minds, no one is underplaying the importance of earning enough to make a living, but it just makes achieving work-life balance that little bit harder!

We’re growing increasingly more connected through technology and social media.

For many, working from home has become the new normal. It’s becoming more and more difficult to separate work from our personal lives.

It’s commonplace to check emails at all hours, take business calls at the dinner table and work on our laptops on weekends.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only important for health and relationships, but it can also improve our productivity, and ultimately performance.

Put simply, if we don’t view work as a chore, then we will work harder, make fewer mistakes and achieve more.

Businesses that gain a reputation for encouraging work-life balance have become very attractive – especially when we consider how difficult it can be to attract and retain younger workers these days.

A research report in the UK, suggests, “Replacing an employee cost on average around £30,000 and it takes up to 28 weeks to get them up to speed.”

Bearing this in mind, it might be a good idea to keep our existing employees happy.

Focusing on work-life balance will help draw a valuable talent-pool for new recruits and boost retention rates. It will save time and money, whilst ensuring a high level of in-house talent.

When we find and sustain a healthy work-life balance, we develop greater control over our focus and ability to concentrate on the task at hand – this is known as mindfulness.

We all would prefer a team that is fully focused on whatever they are doing, instead of worrying about work/home.

By encouraging our people to have a healthy work-life balance, we will create an environment where everyone is dedicated to the task at hand.

This will improve retention rates, productivity, good mental and physical health and ultimately profit.

This Sunday, let’s try to focus on Life, maintain the work life balance & stay blessed forever.