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11th Jan, 2022

Sometimes there’s no logical solution to life’s challenges.

Fear says your situation is permanent.

Logic says it’s impossible. Facts say it doesn’t make sense.

Science says follow logic and consider the facts.

Math says it doesn’t add up. Time says it’s too late.

Age says you’re too young or too old.

Education says you’re not qualified.

Experience says you’re a novice.

People say it’s never been done before.

The past says check your history.

Scars say you’re about to get hurt again.

Comfort says it is really not worth the trouble?

The future says you don’t belong here.

The pocket says I can’t afford it.

But faith says,“I can do all things through God who strengthens me”

DO NOT always seek logical solutions to every life’s challenge. Sometimes you just have to believe and leave it to him. His plans are better than ours, his timing is always perfect.

Feed your FAITH and all the other negative voices will starve to death!

Whatever your challenge, Face 2022 with Faith & stay blessed forever.