
17th January, 2023 At first sight, the ancient virtue of humility is not a particularly appealing one especially in the current world where everyone is broadcast the smallest accomplishment on the social media. Deriving from the word humus (earth), it appears to clash with our current valuation of self-worth and self-realization. But humility has nothing […]

‘The “YES, BUT” Syndrome’

16th January, 2023 The start of a New year is introspection time, to look within & identify issues which need resolution. Many people say, “This year I was all set to get my promotion BUT office politics got in my way” or “This time I was all set to get a big business order BUT […]


12th January, 2023 A new study suggests that we recall bad memories more easily and in greater detail than good ones for perhaps evolutionary reasons. Researchers say negative emotions like fear and sadness trigger increased activity in a part of the brain linked to memories. Negative Events are Remembered with More Accurate Detail than Positive […]

‘Dear God’

10th January, 2023 “I don’t know who or what will cross my path this year, but I do know that, You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to You this year,  Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only […]

‘Self Belief’

09th January, 2023 We can be our biggest cheerleaders — or our biggest critics. And the difference between the two options matters. Believing in yourself is crucial to succeeding. The magic happens when you have a belief in self. Of course, it isn’t magic — it’s your potential. Self-care is often put on the back […]

“Two Rabbits”

06th January, 2023 There were once two rabbits Frederick and Wanda who enjoyed their strolls together. On this walk, they came upon two carrots. One of the carrots had large leaves sprouting out of the top and the other looked much smaller from the surface. Frederick was excited and ran up to the carrot with […]

‘Find The Gaps’

04th January, 2023 The New Year wishes & resolutions time is over. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. The New year means nothing, if you are still in love with your comfort zone. Stop looking at all the obstacles & start looking at the opportunities. And that reminds me about the story about […]

‘Wish for the Right things !

22nd December, 2022 If you want 2023 to be better than 2022, wish for the right thing, things which really matter. Don’t  wish that you could play sport like a professional,  Wish that you have the will to train as hard and be as disciplined. Don’t wish that you  have a long-lasting, successful, flourishing marriage, […]

‘What IF…’

20th December, 2022 It all starts with What if.. These two words have changed the history of mankind. Most of the World’s Inventions happened, when someone asked the question, What If… Most of the World’s discoveries happened when someone asked the question, What if… Most of the progress happened when someone asked the question, What […]

‘Follow your Dream’

15th December, 2022 Let me share one of the key life lessons that have guided my life over the years, and a small but wonderful book that has brought this lesson to fore every time I have read it. The book is Richard Bach’s ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull,’ which is a story about following your dreams […]