Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest.

11/20/20 Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. We all suffer, we all have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.” […]
Find your true desire,then live it

11/19/20 Find your true desire,then live it In a thought-provoking lecture many years ago, British philosopher and writer Alan Watts told the audience this – Students come to me and say, ‘We’re getting out of college and we have the faintest idea of what we want to do.’ I always ask the question, what would […]
In the 1900s, Emile Coue (French psychologist and pharmacist) was a pioneer in the work of using positive thoughts to aid in healing.

11/18/20 In the 1900s, Emile Coue (French psychologist and pharmacist) was a pioneer in the work of using positive thoughts to aid in healing. Part of his successful healing methods involved the simple daily application by his patients of this conscious autosuggestion: *“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. “* this […]
The word forgiveness means different things to different people.

11/17/20 The word forgiveness means different things to different people. For me, forgiveness is a huge part of maintaining a happy life. I once heard someone say that if we withhold forgiveness, it’s like allowing a snake to bite us over and over again. It’s such a heavy burden to hold onto any negative thought […]
Today, we enter the Fifth & final day of the festival of Diwali the occasion of Bhai Dooj, which reflects honour, faith, respect & love of a sister.

11/16/20 Today, we enter the *Fifth & final day of the festival of Diwali* the occasion of *Bhai Dooj,* which reflects honour, faith, respect & love of a sister. The teeka symbolizes firmness, honor, brilliance, respect and faith of a sister. Through Bhai Dooj Teeka, the sister wishes health, and longevity and well being of […]
So, the festival of Diwali has gone as suddenly as it had arrived.

11/15/20 So, the festival of Diwali has gone as suddenly as it had arrived. As I took a walk in my colony this morning, you catch sight of last night’s celebrations all around, The colourful diyas now protectively hold tiny pools of melted wax and ash. The Rangolis are still radiant, albeit slightly disheveled. You […]
Yeah Diwali Samajhdari Wali

11/14/20 Yeah Diwali Samajhdari Wali We traditionally do these six things during Diwali, which this time if we do with complete understanding would make our Diwali more spiritual and meaningful; 1. *Cleaning of house* – this time Let us also clean our mind of all the accumulated dirt of kama, krodha, moha, mada, matsarya, and […]
Rituals of Diwali

11/13/20 Rituals of Diwali – The second day of the five day Festival Bengalis believe that Goddess Kali killed the demon Raktavija on this day and others believe that Lord Krishna killed the demon Naraksur on this day. The legends states that Narakasur’s mother Bhudevi(Mother Earth) had declared that her son’s death should not be […]
Customs of Diwali

11/12/20 *Customs of Diwali* Many interesting rituals and traditions have been attached to the celebrations of Diwali. It is a five-day long festival, which is celebrated with fun and fervor. The blissful festival calls for the exchange of gifts, sweets and heartfelt wishes. Fire crackers are burst and people enjoy wearing new clothes, on the […]
In this highly competitive world, where everything is a race and everyone wants to be the first,

11/11/20 In this highly competitive world, where everything is a race and everyone wants to be the first, This Diwali, You also strive to be the first, The first to burst your ego & be, The first to wish, The first to smile, The first to nod, The first to greet, The first to welcome, […]