The other day I watched a professional soldier being interviewed on TV.

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The other day I watched a professional soldier being interviewed on TV. He was asked what it felt like going into battle for the first time.

Here is what he said:

“As soon as we came under fire, my training kicked in. All those months and years of daily drilling just kicked in. The training just drove me; I mean I could literally hear my drill sergeants, my trainers! And before I knew it, we had won our battle.”

Thinking about it later, I thought about the importance of training and preparation.

In a strange way, it reminded me about faith;

yes, faith; it, too, kind of works that way.

Every day we read scriptures, study, meditate on the Word of God  And when trouble comes, bang, faith just “kicks in,” and before we know it, we have won the battle, just like that professional soldier!

Practise prepares the soldier for battle and faith helps us face the battles of life.

This too shall pass,

Faith in God is the best medicine.

Pray, wait, trust.

His will, his way, my faith.

Have faith & stay blessed forever.