‘The Eagle & the Raven’

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9th Jan 2024

Have you ever let the “little things” in your life get you down, make you mad, or take the joy out of your life?

Let me share a little parable that may help you handle the ‘little things’ differently.

The only bird that dares to peck an eagle is the raven. It sits on the eagle’s back and pecks and bites its neck.

However, the eagle doesn’t respond or fight with the raven. It does not waste time or energy with the Raven.

It just opens its wings and begins to fly higher in the sky. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the Raven to breathe and the raven eventually falls off due to lack of oxygen.

You don’t need to respond to all the battles, or critics or arguments and debates.

Just lift your standards, and they’ll fall off!

Stop wasting time with the ‘Ravens’.

Just take them to your height and they’ll fade away.

The critic may sit on our back and peck, But remember, “the race we are running is not for the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor the bread to the wise, nor riches to men of skill, but to play a right-brain game against ravens.

Conserve your energy for the things that matter, fight the battles that count, don’t be bothered by the Ravens and stay blessed forever.