
30th Dec 2023 Darwin’s theory states that evolution happened gradually over a period of time. But about 521 million years ago, for a brief period of time, this evolution process was fast-tracked. The Cambrian explosion led to a sudden diversification among the major animal species. Thanks to this sudden spurt in evolution, the world was […]


5th Oct, 2023  Most people feel that success in business is dependent on how you respond to change, whereas many success stories show that successful businesses build business models based on satisfying needs that will not change over the next ten / fifteen / twenty years. Many years ago, Amazon’s founder and CEO Jeff Bezos […]

The New Year is about to begin…..

31st Dec, 2021 Time has come to bid adieu to another year, Cherish good memories, Learn from the mistakes of the past and strive towards a successful future. Lets gear up for the New Year and Welcome it with a Cheerful Disposition There is a famous quote that says, “If you are brave enough to […]



20th Dec, 2021 Darwin’s theory states that evolution happened gradually over a period of time. But about 521 million years ago, for a brief period of time, this evolution process was fast-tracked. The Cambrian explosion led to a sudden diversification among the major animal species. Thanks to this sudden spurt in evolution, the world was […]