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12th Jan 2024

A dog lived at a railway station and he didn’t like the trains pulling over because it blocked his views.

As soon as the train would come to halt, he would start barking and lo and behold the train would start moving.

He presented his data in a Dog conference and all the attendees endorsed his views and they all concluded that barking moves the train.

However a wise dog was also there, and he said, why don’t you just stand there and don’t bark and see what happens?

They did, and the train moved even without a single dog barking!

Our perceptions are not real.

We often correlate two random instances and reach conclusions, both positive and negative and then live our life with wrong assumptions.

Don’t overestimate your ability based on random actions, don’t correlate unrelated data,

Take a Pause and let things happen. Consult an expert to get the right perspective and reach the right conclusion and stay blessed forever.