“New Beginnings”

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1st Jan 2024

A new day, A new week, A new month, A New Year,

Isn’t The Dawn of a new year a Wonderful Blessing,

Doesn’t it stand for Hope, giving us another start of what we call Life…

I don’t quite know where my steps or path will lead me, but I sure know how to embark on the journey in this new Year: stand firm, walk tall, be kind, be humble, and love deeply.

My family joins me in wishing you & your family a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!

May the sky be the limit for your happiness this year & always.

सूर्य संवेदना पुष्पे, दीप्ति कारुण्यगंधने। लब्ध्वा शुभं नववर्षेऽस्मिन् कुर्यात्सर्वस्य मंगलम्॥

“As the Sun gives light, the sensation gives birth to compassion, and the flowers always spread their fragrance, the same way, may the New Year be a pleasant one for you, every day, every moment.”

Here’s to new beginnings, new hopes & new achievements.

May God bless you & be with you as achieve greater heights.

Stay blessed forever.