Have you ever heard the story of The Elephant Rope?

Have You Ever Heard The Story Of The Elephant Rope?

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“Once there was a woman who was passing by some huge elephants, who were only secured by a tiny rope.

She asked the trainer, “Why are they tied to such a tiny rope, why don’t they just break free?”

The trainer smiled and explained that the elephants are trained by being tied to this rope from an early age, back then they could not break free from this rope, so they learned to stop trying.”

The Elephant is held back not by the puny rope but by its belief system. Are you too?    

How many of us go through life hanging on to a limiting belief, simply because we’ve failed at it a few times?

How much further would we get if we pushed through past these barriers that may not be as large as they might appear?

Failure is part of life’s journey, and the more you embrace it the more success you will have in your life.

Mistakes bring you closer to success, so long as you learn the lessons from them.

Now is the time to live your BEST life, make great things happen.

Mistakes are part of the journey to greatness, don’t let your small beliefs hold you back and stay blessed forever.