Day by day nothing changes & when you look back, suddenly everything has changed & things are different.

12/21/20 Day by day nothing changes & when you look back, suddenly everything has changed & things are different. Time changes everything & everyone. Albert Einstein made a very strong remark when he said that *Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity.* If you do want a different result then the […]
People who change after change will survive

12/21/20 “People who change after change will survive, People who change with change will succeed & People who cause the change will lead.” This too shall pass, Change is the only constant. For the New Year, Plan the change, Start the change, become better & stay Blessed forever
Whatever I want in life, I’ve found that the best way to get it is to focus my energy on giving to others.

12/20/20 Whatever I want in life, I’ve found that the best way to get it is to focus my energy on giving to others. If I want to boost my confidence. I look for ways to help someone else feel more confident. If I want to feel more hopeful, positive, and inspired, I try to […]
An anecdote someone recently shared with me

12/19/20 An anecdote someone recently shared with me, ‘The first time I was in Sweden , one of my colleagues picked me up at the hotel every morning. It was September, bit cold and snowy. We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their […]
I recently re-read Richard Bach’s, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

12/18/20 I recently re-read Richard Bach’s, *Jonathan Livingston Seagull*, which is a story about following your dreams even when they go against the grain. It’s about making the most of the life you have been given. In the book, the author uses the metaphor of seagulls flying to demonstrate that if we follow our dreams […]
Aristotle wrote,”We are what we repeatedly do.”

12/17/20 Aristotle wrote,”We are what we repeatedly do.” Webster dictionary defines habit as: “An acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.” There’s a story about a man riding a horse, galloping quickly. It appears that he’s going somewhere very important. A man standing along the roadside shouts, “Where are you going?” […]
As we move to the second half of December & the end of another year, full of disruptions and change,

12/16/20 As we move to the second half of December & the end of another year, full of disruptions and change, let’s leave the past behind, let’s move on. There is a famous quote that says, “if you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” Nothing changes if […]
Just Drop it

12/15/20 Just Drop it Once a Crow holding on to a piece of meat was flying to a place to sit & eat. However, a flock of Eagles were chasing it. The crow was anxious and was flying higher and higher, yet eagles were after the poor crow. Just then “Garuda” saw the plight of […]
The Eagle & the Raven

12/14/20 The Eagle & the Raven Have you ever let the “little things” in your life get you down, made you mad, or take the joy out of your life? If so, then today’s little story is just or you! The only bird that dares to peck an eagle is the raven. It sits on […]
Sunday…Invest in yourself.

12/13/20 Sunday…Invest in yourself. Relax, Refresh, Revive. Meditate, Enjoy your Sunday, be grateful for your blessings, Forget all your negatives of the week, Look forward to the coming week, live every moment, This too shall pass, The life you are leading is the dream of millions, value it & stay blessed forever.