This very day, the last day of the year– and as we sit and ponder on the days gone by & the Spring & summer ahead, presents our greatest opportunity.

12/31/20 This very day, the last day of the year– and as we sit and ponder on the days gone by & the Spring & summer ahead, presents our greatest opportunity. To start on a new journey. To be a lion not a sheep. To walk with giants versus among the meek. To celebrate our […]
As we complete another year

12/30/20 As we complete another year, A dear friend asked me “How were the last 12 months,” *Was it a “successful” Year?* I sat back & reviewed the year gone by and That got me thinking, “What is success?” What does “success” mean to me. Success is definitely not about the cars you own, the […]
Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull out when in trouble

12/29/20 Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a “steering wheel” that directs the right path throughout. While we prepare to say goodbye to 2020 and ring in 2021, let us remember three simple lines. *Sukh Vele Shukrana*: In comfort, thank Him *Dukh Vele Ardaas*: When […]
As we enter the last week of the year, Iam reminded of the final words of Steve Jobs, which according to his sister, Mona Simpson were

12/28/20 As we enter the last week of the year, Iam reminded of the final words of Steve Jobs, which according to his sister, Mona Simpson were: *”Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow”.* When I read them the other day, I was moved and reminded of the staggering preciousness of life. I believe we all […]
An end of the week,

12/27/20 An end of the week, An end of the month, An end of the year, Every end heralds a new beginning too, Life goes on. You win some, you lose some, Some Moments bring joy, some moments bring sadness. Live in the moment, Experience life as it happens, welcome the lessons it conveys. Love, […]
The Xmas weekend is here, start your day with thanks.

12/26/20 The Xmas weekend is here, start your day with thanks. Let everything wait, stop thinking for all the things that could go wrong or right. The world is not going to fall apart this weekend. Give love, spread kindness & laughter. This weekend, Choose to feel blessed, Choose to be grateful, Choose to be […]
Wish you & your family a Merry Christmas!

12/25/20 Wish you & your family a Merry Christmas! Christmas is most of all a celebration of God’s love for each of us. May all good things come to you this Xmas, May all your desires be met, May Magic & Miracles follow you everywhere, May you get enveloped in the Xmas spirit of giving, […]
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

12/24/20 Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. It’s Christmas Eve, Santa is on his way, Wish for what you want, Wish for what your heart desires, Believe & have faith that God will deliver. Its Christmas time & along with revelry & merriment, lets remember the words […]
Recently came across this excerpt from a speech at a McKinsey internal meeting in 1990 by John W Gardner.

12/23/20 Recently came across this excerpt from a speech at a McKinsey internal meeting in 1990 by John W Gardner. It is counted as one of the most influential business speeches and has a lot to teach us: “The things you learn in maturity aren’t simple things such as acquiring information and skills. You learn […]
If you want 2021 to be better than 2020, wish for the right thing, things which really matter.

12/22/20 If you want 2021 to be better than 2020, wish for the right thing, things which really matter. Don’t wish that you could play sport like a professional, Wish that you have the will to train as hard and be as disciplined. Don’t wish that you have a long-lasting, successful, flourishing marriage, Wish that […]