“Are you ready for 2024?”

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3rd Jan 2024

“But amidst a world of uncertainty, there is a collective hope that resides. It’s an evolutionary part of the human spirit: to endure, to defy the odds, to rise.” ~ Tony Robbins

Welcome to 2024, my friend.

As we look ahead at the next 12 months, one thing is clear: we are living in uncharted territory.

It’s a time when the economic, political, and social landscapes are changing at a record pace.

We are all being touched by the events happening around the globe. No matter where you live, or what you do for a living, what is happening is unlike anything we have ever experienced.

It’s easy to feel fearful.

But amidst a world of uncertainty, there is a collective hope that resides.

It’s an evolutionary part of the human spirit: to endure, to defy the odds, to rise.

And much like that innate hope, January 1 is synonymous with a fresh start, a blank slate. The opportunity to start again.

There’s an energy to the start of a new year that inspires us. It calls us toward the best version of ourselves.

But the truth is life offers us the opportunity to take action and make changes in our lives every day of the year.

Did you know that 95% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by the second week of January? Why is that?

It’s because most people set an intention, but they don’t resolve.

When we’re resolved, that means we’ll do whatever it takes to meet our goals. We’ll wake up early, stay up late, push through obstacles, and defy all odds to make it happen.

All the drive in the world will eventually give out because you can only push for so long. But when you incorporate a strong enough reason why, and strategy into meeting your goals, that’s when results show up.

And while hope is essential, it isn’t a strategy. The truth is no matter what’s going on in the world, there are timeless strategies that will sustain you through any season, especially in our present winter.

So, what’s your strategy to get out of fear and rise to new heights in 2024?

There are three kinds of people:

Those who wait for things to happen,

Those that make things happen, and

Those who wonder what happened!

The best ideas in the world are worth nothing without action.

Let’s be among those who use our ideas to make things happen in 2024!

Let 2024 be all about good vibes, bigger goals, more happiness, less pain, stronger relationships & being more focussed than ever.

May God give us the wisdom to know what must be done & the courage to do it.

Let’s start the year with renewed hope & a strategy to achieve greater heights and may this be your best year ever.

Stay blessed forever.

(The above is an excerpt  from a note by Tony Robbins)