We teach our children to study hard, to strive to succeed; but do we teach them that it’s okay to fail?

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Date: 7/2/20

We teach our children to study hard, to strive to succeed; but do we teach them that it’s okay to fail?

That life is about accepting yourself, the way you are?

That there is no stigma in failing or in seeking help?

Our Indian culture is based on worshipping our parents.

We grow up listening to words like respect, obedience and tradition.

 Can we not add the words *communication, unconditional love and support* to this?

 Some time ago, I was standing in my balcony, sipping some tea and looking at the sunset. The children had gone down to play.

I suddenly spotted my son. He is  flying a blue kite.

The kite went high and then swung low till it almost seemed to fall into the puddle and all I wanted to say to him was that soon he will realise that life is just like flying a kite.

Sometimes, you have to leave it loose,

sometimes you have to hold on tight,

sometimes your kite will fly effortlessly, sometimes you will not be able to control it and even when you are struggling to keep it afloat and the string is cutting into your hand, don’t let go.

The wind will change in your favour once again, my son and your kite will rise again..

This too shall pass,

Just don’t let go, hang on and Stay blessed forever.