25th July, 2022
Recently, the board results of my younger son was declared & we were presently surprised with his achievement and score of mid 90%.
Not to undermine his success, but his wonderful achievement reminded me of a psychological phenomenon called the ‘Pygmalion Effect’
The Pygmalion effect is a psychological phenomenon in which high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area.
The effect is named for the Greek myth of Pygmalion, the sculptor who fell so much in love with the perfectly beautiful statue he created that the statue came to life.
Pygmalion carved a statue of a woman and wished for a bride that looked just like it.
He made offerings to Aphrodite, and after he kissed the statue named Galatea it came to life. They fell in love and lived happy ever after.
The story is an extreme example of how positive reinforcement can lead to good results.
If a statue can be that affected by positive reinforcement, presumably the effect would be a hundredfold on an actual human being.
The way we communicate our beliefs and attitude can influence how youngsters think about themselves, their ability and their potential.
Make a person believe it is possible and they can do it and the result is achieved.
Equally effective in business,
When you try to build extraordinary things, the most important ingredient is people.
Many a times we limit ourselves by being realistic in our expectations but On the contrary, ‘Pygmalion Effect’ says :
“If you start expecting more from your team and leaders, It in turn drives them to pursue higher goals without realising And the end result is way higher achievement than normal.”
At SAHAYAK, we have seen this phenomenon happening around us multiples times over and our philosophy has been,
Find a young leader, set amazing high expectations, and see them achieve and soar.
Use the ‘Pygmalion Effect,’ help them believe and achieve & stay blessed forever.