‘Practise Stopping’

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12th November, 2022

Jack Ma Billionaire founder of Ali Baba said : If you put bananas and money in front of monkeys, monkeys will choose bananas, because monkeys do not know that money can buy a lot of bananas.

In reality, if you put money and health in front of people, people tend to choose money because too many people do not know that health can bring more money and happiness!

Nothing is valuable but health is the most valuable!

Everything can wait but health can’t wait!

Health does not always come from medicine, most of the time it comes from peace of mind, from laughter and from love.

Focus on your health, on laughter, on love & peace of mind this weekend.

Don’t miss the chances that life is giving you to spend with the people you love.

Remember, there are no rewinds.

The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.

Time is precious, waste it wisely, enjoy your weekend, stop running, practise stopping & stay blessed forever.