10th December 2024
In a conference, I recently attended, we were asked by a speaker to write a letter to our future self.
That got us thinking & envisioning our future.
The exercise was so impactful—both the writing and the reflecting—that I believe everyone should sit down and do this.
You can establish your own time horizon.
Common choices are one year, five years, and ten years.
I’m old fashioned, so I typed and printed the letter, preferring to store it in my personal safe than to use technology. That said, you can use online services (like FutureMe) or simply email the letter to yourself and set a calendar reminder.
The structure of the letter is entirely up to you, but the few areas that I would recommend addressing:
*Reflections on the Present
*Vision for the Future
*Changes to Make
*Fun Predictions
A few specific prompts that may help spark your writing within each:
Reflections on the Present
Think of this as a deep journaling session that requires significant introspection.
Deconstruct the present version of you:
What’s working?
What isn’t working?
What’s giving me energy?
What’s draining my energy?
What relationships give me genuine pleasure?
What relationships are holding me back?
What’s surprising me about the present?
If done well, writing this portion of the letter should feel highly therapeutic.
Vision for the Future
Think of this as a vision board of your hopes and aspirations.
Consider your compass heading:
What is my ideal life on the day when I open this letter?
What are my big picture, ambitious long-term goals?
What are my Checkpoint Goals that will set the appropriate trajectory?
Why am I trying to achieve them?
What are my true motivations?
If I opened this letter and everything was in flow, what happened along the way to spark that?
What are my Anti-Goals?
What perils do I want to avoid along the way?
Create a crystal-clear image of that ideal future.
Zoom out and zoom in.
Changes to Make
This is a natural outflow of the reflections on the present and the vision for the future.
Review the responses to those prompts:
What changes do I need to make in my life today to create that future?
What daily actions will make that future a reality?
Remember the 1-in-60 Rule: For every 1-degree error in heading, a plane will miss its destination by 1 mile for every 60 miles flown. Tiny deviations from the optimal course are amplified by time—off by a little now means off by a lot in a few years.
Make the changes to set the optimal course.
Fun Predictions
To add some lightness, finish the letter with some fun:
What are my fun or crazy predictions for the future?
What AI robots are taking over the world?
What terrible TV show is still, inexplicably, on the air?
Which crazy family member is still giving you terrible birthday gifts?
You’re writing to your future self, so this is the chance to have some fun.
As we reach the end of another wonderful year, Over the next few weeks, sit down and write a letter to your future self, 10 years from now, 5 years from now, 3 years from now, whatever.
Reflect on where you are, where you hope to be, and the changes you need to make. Take action to make that envisioned future a reality.
Remember, whatever gets written gets done.
The future is yours to create, you have the answers, you just need to start asking the right questions.
Start the exercise today & stay blessed forever.