‘Let’s Celebrate’

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13th April, 2023

India – one nation, many celebrations.

Today, we celebrate the harvest festival in different parts of the country and  start a New Year – make a new beginning.

It is the time to rise above prejudices & join in the unique celebration of life.

This festival embodies at a deeper level, the concept of cyclical regeneration as in all harvest festivals.

It is the time for renewal & fresh hope which the traditional New Year brings in.

Lets celebrate the auspicious day of the institution of the Khalsa Panth with unrestrained joy & ebullience.

Festivals will come and go, but Let’s celebrate life everyday.

Happy Baisakhi!

Or by whatever name we may call this wonderful day.

May this harvest festival bring endless joy, love, prosperity & wealth for you and your family.

Enjoy it, celebrate it, be happy, Stay healthy, share and care and

Stay blessed forever.