Indiaa Indiaaah – What a Shami Final

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16th Nov, 2023

In my Book, ‘Dear Son -Life Lessons from a father.’, one of the most important chapters is titled, “Talent is not enough”

Most people feel that if they have talent, they will surely succeed, but there are enough examples of highly talented people who have not succeeded or who have failed close to the summit or as a team and the major reason for that is the Self-perception or lack of self-belief that you can succeed despite all odds.

Whether success does not come because of lack of belief or not setting the bar higher, it is for you to decide.

This is true for many of us in our career or business, where we don’t scale up or aim higher only because we underestimate our own potential and don’t believe we can.

And on the other hand, many people with an average talent succeed because they believe they can, and they put in regular consistent efforts which compound over time to give astounding results.

There are many factors that can hold a person back in this life.

Many are circumstantial – a lack of money, no education, an unstable home environment, emotional hiccups, different priorities, demands of family etc. These conditions may occur during our childhood and are outside of our control, especially when we’re growing up.

But one of the biggest setbacks a person can face is one that can be practiced and is in your control: Your own perception of what you’re capable of.

In my years of experience, I’ve found that the defining characteristic that sets the massively successful apart, is simply the self-belief that they are capable of achieving what they want.

If I could give a piece of advice to anyone, it would be to allow your imagination to THINK BIG- and to have the self-belief that you are capable of achieving great things; that sense of purpose, of knowing that you can do much more than what you’re already doing and to have the ability of breaking the inertia to get out of the comfort zone.

This present Indian Cricket team is a bunch of hugely talented guys who are Playing to win, it believes it can and it keeps raising the bar with every match.

They are not content with scoring the average runs required to win, they don’t believe in past averages and records but set their own benchmark, they believe in teamwork, each member has to play a role assigned to him content in the knowledge that it doesn’t matter if he fails.

They are no longer about the ‘Chalta Hai’ attitude, it’s no longer about playing to avoid losing but about Playing to Win, about doing their best – at all times, it’s about not taking your foot off the pedal.

Like the new India, they strongly believe they can and the 10/10 scorecard so far is proof of consistency and not being content with just qualifying.

Along with a Billion and a half others, I believe, hope and pray that we win the ICC World Cup but either way you will not be able to doubt the effort, the will to succeed and achieve the goal.

Go for its Team India – You can do it.

Like Team India, Have the courage to take the first step in faith; believe in yourself, dream big, work hard, achieve and stay blessed forever.