21st January 2025
A king was once roaming the streets of the city as part of an annual religious procession.
As the king walked, an attendant walked behind him holding a large umbrella over his head to shield him from the scorching heat of the sun.
The king suddenly felt that one of his feet was getting burnt as the heat from the ground permeated through the sole of his embroidered shoe.
But why was just one of his feet feeling so?
On examining, it was found that the sole of one of the shoes had fallen off a few yards back and so the foot was feeling the intense heat.
The king’s attendants quickly seated him on the side of the road and looked around for a cobbler.
A cobbler was found & was told to repair the king’s shoe speedily. The cobbler stitched up the sole in a few minutes and the shoe was given back to the king.
The cobbler was asked by the King’s Minister, how much was his payment for the repair of shoe.
He said, “Nothing Sir, it is an honour for me that I could serve the King.”
But the king insisted that the payment should be made.
So the cobbler was asked again how much he would charge.
The cobbler was too embarrassed to ask for a few paise for the job.
So he just said, “Well, give me whatever you deem fit. I shall accept it.”
The attendant conveyed this to the king. The king casually said, “Then give him two villages!”
And so it was!
And so is it with God too!
We keep asking him for petty things; tinsel and trash; and He keeps obliging us, to make us happy.
If only we would realize that He is the master of the entire universe, He can grant us anything with a wave of his hand, Anything at all!
All we need is to surrender to His will, to leave it to him, to let Him decide.
His plans are better than our wildest dreams.
Let him plan what is good for us, let him bless us in his own special way and stay blessed forever.