Every Sunday is your day to fill your account at the Bank of the Universe with good deeds.

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Date: 9/13/20

Every Sunday is your day  to fill your account at the Bank of the Universe with good deeds.

Give encouragement to those around you.

Give kindness.

Give good words to those you see and speak to.

Give a gift for no reason.

Open doors for others.

Give compliments.

Give your smile to everyone.

Give your undivided attention to those close to you.

Give kindness to other drivers.

Look for opportunities to do good deeds and the law attraction will flood your Good deeds Sunday with an abundance of them.

 As you give your all to Good Deeds Sunday, the Universe will respond, and it will become the most beautiful day of your week by far, then the most beautiful week, the most beautiful month, year and soon you will have the most beautiful life.

This too shall pass,

Make today beautiful and stay blessed forever.