Daily and continuous micro improvements lead to major gains.

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Small baby steps.

Daily and continuous micro improvements lead to major gains.

Steady and consistent elevations in the way you work, lead and live leads to amazing results.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Every dream started off small and grew step by step.

One hundred and twenty years ago, at Jacobs Pharmacy, a customer paid Doc Permberton five cents for his sugar in a glass concoction that you may have heard of (it’s called Coke and is enjoyed more than a billion times a day around the world today).

*Evolution versus revolution*.

Sam Walton started with a single store and didn’t even get to the big box idea until he was in business for about thirty years and today Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world.

Evolution not revolution.

The Everest climbers don’t jump up to the summit. No, they climb it bit by bit.

Warren Buffet started investing at the age of eleven, he is said to be worth More than $ 85 Billion and more than $80 Billion of those came after he was 65 years old.

Evolution not… You get my point.

This too shall pass,

Start today, start small if you may, you will achieve what you desire and stay blessed forever.