‘Invisible Labels’
08th July, 2022 A car ahead was moving at a snails pace and not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking! I was on brink of losing my cool when I noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear! “Physically challenged; Please be patient.” And that changed everything! I immediately went calm & slowed […]
‘Trouble Tree’
06th July, 2022 I met an old friend after a long time & found him very disturbed. He already had a rough and tiresome day. * a flat tire * a problem in his factory * his old car broke down. * his tiffin was spoilt * he had lost his wallet * Taxes were […]
‘Dream Big’
04th July, 2022 This quote by George Bernard Shaw offers me inspiration on difficult days when my goals seem too far away: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” The Difference in winning and […]
‘If Money were No Object..’
01st July, 2022 We once conducted a small survey and asked the respondents this very question, ‘If Money were no object….’ And the person had to fill in the blanks. It was an open – ended question with no options. Everyone was free to choose whatever they wished to say or do. And the answers […]
‘What Drives your Actions.’
30th June, 2022 I found this story in the book, “The Knowledge Illusion – Why we never think alone” The authors writes — This apocryphal tale is about what causes people to act and how you can modify their motivations, to make them think they’re doing something for a different reason than they initially thought. […]
The 5 Monkeys
28th June, 2022 Whenever I come across old customs, traditions and beliefs hindering change, Iam reminded of an actual experiment conducted in the U.K. more than 50 years back. Five monkeys were put in a room. In the middle of the room was a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook […]
‘Life is Easy’
07th June, 2022 Two close boyhood friends grow up and go their separate ways. One becomes a humble monk, the other a rich and powerful minister to the king. Years later they meet up again. As they catch up, the minister (in his fine robes) takes pity on the thin, shabby monk. Seeking to help, […]
Everything is in your Hands
06th June, 2022 “A young chap went to a soothsayer to inquire about his future. The soothsayer drew two circles. One in white and the other in black. He then put a millipede in between the circles, saying “if the millipede crawls into the white circle, your future will be bright and very great, but […]
‘Heaven on Earth’
29th May, 2022 What if God asks you when you die, “So how was Heaven?” Create your own Paradise here! The biggest wealth is wisdom. The biggest love is the company of family and friends. The biggest virtue is gratitude. The strongest weapon is patience. The biggest blessing is kindness and the ability to share. […]
‘Don’t Judge Others’
27th May, 2022 Don’t be in a hurry to judge people. I try not to judge people mainly because of two reasons, I have too many faults of my own and too many sins that I have committed and secondly everybody is fighting a battle you know nothing about. It’s easier to judge but the […]