‘The centipede’s dilemma’
21st March 2024 In 1889, the zoologist, Ray Lankester, submitted a poem to the journal Nature. It goes like this: A centipede was happy – quite! Until a toad in fun Said, “Pray, which leg moves after which?” This raised her doubts to such a pitch, She fell exhausted in the ditch Not knowing how […]
‘Handling Failure’
20th March 2024 We grow up hearing, ‘Beta, work hard, Keep studying, be focused.’ If we do these things, we are told, we will get into a good school, and then a good college, and thereafter a good job is assured. But what if we follow the script and work hard and, despite giving it […]
“K.I.S.S. Principle”
19th March 2024 There are two sure ways to fail: Think and never do, or do and never think. When I started my career, one of the first things I was taught was to follow the K.I.S.S. principle, i.e. “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” Communicate in such a way that your message is unmistakably clear. If […]
‘Don’t make excuses, make good.’
18th March 2024 I love this tale told by Zig Zagler, “My brother, the late Judge Ziglar, loved to tell the story of the fellow who went next door to borrow his neighbor’s lawn mower. The neighbor explained that he could not let him use the lawn mower because all the flights had been canceled […]
“Positive Attitude”
17th March 2024 For many generations before the twentieth century, the standard procedure for developing skilled craftsmen was for the father to teach the sons his trade. The skills necessary for the craft were passed from one generation to another. Many years ago, a shoemaker was teaching his three-year-old son his craft to prepare him […]
“Choose Happiness”
16th March 2024 Happiness is a feeling that is hard to quantify. After all, what makes one person happy can differ from the next. Plus, what makes us happy at one point in time can change as we evolve, making it hard to quantify. There was once an old lady who cried all the time. […]
“The Wheelbarrow Story”
15th March 2024 Many years ago, the story goes, a man named Blondin strung a tightrope across Niagara Falls and proceeded to traverse the raging waters. A crowd gathered as he successfully made his way back to his starting place. “Who here believes I can cross over Niagara Falls again, but this time pushing a […]
14th March 2024 A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself, and screams: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Curious, he yells: “Who are you?” He receives the answer: “Who are you?” And then he screams to the mountain: […]
“Knowing when to quit”
13th March 2024 On May 22, 2019, Mount Everest saw a traffic jam as 300 mountaineers made it to the summit that day, creating a traffic jam, a picture of which went viral the next day. German alpinist, David Gottler, was not among those who summited. He was just 200 meters from the peak when […]
“Move out of your Comfort Zone”
12th March 2024 A wise man & his disciple in their travels saw a hut in the distance in a desolate place where there were no crops & no trees, a man who lived with his wife, three young children & a thin, tired cow. Since they were hungry, the wise man & his disciple […]