Came across a very interesting piece recently…. “I was Dying”

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Came across a very interesting piece recently…. “I was Dying”

First I was Dying to finish high school & start college,

Then I was Dying to finish college & start my specialisation,

And the I was dying to finish studies & start working,

And then I was Dying to marry & start a family,

And then I was Dying for my children to start school,

And then I was Dying to leave my job & start my business,

And then I was Dying for my children to grow up,

And then I was Dying to build my own house,

And then I was Dying to put them through the best college & become independent,

And then I was Dying to grow my business & achieve,

And then I was Dying to get my children married,

And then I was Dying to wind up my work & retire,

And suddenly I realised I forgot to live,

I realised that home is not a place but a feeling,

I realised that time is not measured by a clock but by moments,

& I realised that heartbeats are not heard but felt & shared.

This too shall pass,

Life is like an ice cream, enjoy it before it melts.

Live life, enjoy the moment & stay blessed forever.