‘Be Grateful’

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29th Oct, 2023

 Below is a true-life story I came across which really touched a chord.

Recently, A 73-year-old man in Italy recovered from an illness in the hospital.

He was told to pay for the ventilator and the old man started crying.

The doctor advised him not to cry over the bill and that the hospital would manage it. But what the old man said made all the doctors emotional.

“I am not crying because of the money I have to pay. I can pay the money. I am crying because I have been breathing God’s air for

73 years and I have never paid for it. Now it takes

€5000 to use a ventilator for one day.

Do you know how much I owe God? I didn’t thank God enough before”.

His words are really worth reflection. When we breathe air freely without any pain – we do not take the air seriously. It is only when we enter the hospital do we realise that breathing Oxygen is essential to human life.

When you change the way, you look at things, the things you look – at change.

Gratitude is a powerful and empowering emotion. Sometimes we need to bring more awareness and be more Grateful for the simple gifts of life.

We always have two Choices – To Be Grateful for what we have or To Be always demanding more and more.

Gratitude supports our immune system – it makes us strong. Stress and wanting more makes us weak.

“Thank you” is the best Prayer you can say all day.

A Law of the Universe says that when you are grateful for things you have in life, you will have more things to be grateful for.

So never let the 10th Apple Effect (more about this later) allow you to take the gifts of life for granted. As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, the vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to better in your life.

Never let Gratitude for Life fade away, This Festive Season, let’s just be grateful and stay blessed forever.