‘Be Curious and Learn’

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10th March, 2023

Back in early school, at some point, we were all introduced to Alice, the girl whose sense of wonder at the world led to ‘curiouser and curiouser’ events.

But along the way, I think we all lost the plot a bit. Yes, we all know that knowledge leads to innovation but not what leads to knowledge?

I think it is sheer curiosity, a sense of amazement and observation about our environment.

As the worlds of our business change dramatically everyday, with technology literally reshaping our dreams, we have got to be curiouser than ever before, to keep our minds open to every idea, every movement that bears the seed of future innovation.

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The danger of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.

Charlie Munger, the famous investor, once said,

“I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent, but are curious and they are learning machines.

They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were when they got up and boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.”

He went on to add, People are the Best Teachers.

“Hang out and interact with people better than you and you cannot help but improve. And when I say better, I mean not only in terms of intellectual horsepower, but in terms of morals, values, ethics, character and discipline.

These are the attributes which ultimately lead to a very fulfilling and satisfying life.”

He also often quotes the words of Epicurus, “Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul and mind.”

Acquiring wisdom is like irrigating a field, you just need to clear the path for the water, then it will flow on its own.

Thinking that you know everything is the biggest obstacle to this flow.

A FOMO (Fear of missing out) I am proud to have is the FOMO of learning and knowledge. It is out of sheer curiosity, that whenever I come across a new term or a new word, I try and read as much about it and then try to share the knowledge with others.

Be curious, Keep learning and stay blessed forever.