Adopt the concept of *“Chardhi Kala.”*

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Adopt the concept of *“Chardhi Kala.”* – The art of living in high spirits and Eternal Optimism is the slogan given to us by Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Sikh Guru which means: *“keep your spirits high, no matter what the situation. Have faith, keep doing good and stay positive. Do your best, then leave the rest to God.”*

This concept is commonly translated as “high morale,” but it is much more than that. According to the Encyclopaedia of Sikhism, “It stands for a perennially blossoming, unwilting spirit, a perpetual state of certitude resting on unwavering belief in Divine justice.”

Chardhi Kala is a mental state that keeps us strong during the most difficult moments in life – even when we face a life and death situation. It is a spirit of defiance of all hardships. Every repetition of this slogan reminds us that Sikhs are tenacious men and women who do not lose faith.
This positive thinking brings a calm, peaceful and positive mind that doesn’t get bothered with obstacles of life.
May you always be in *Chardhi Kala* and Stay Blessed Forever!