‘Indiana Indiaaah’

30th June 2024 This Indian cricket team is special, not just for the runs they have scored or the wickets they have taken, but for the quality of their wins. Every time they have been challenged; a team member has raised his hand to be counted. I rank this team very high not for their […]

‘Choose your worth’

29th June 2024 Once a disciple of Guru asked him about the ‘Aim or the purpose of being born a human and what is life worth ‘ The Guru opened a closed fist & gave the disciple a beautiful red coloured stone and said to the disciple, “Go, get the stone valued from different people […]

‘Pray to lose’

28th June 2024 A Saint was once asked:  “What do you ‘Gain’ from praying to the Lord regularly?” He replied: “Usually, I don’t gain anything, but mostly I lose many things.” And he quoted everything he lost praying to God regularly: I lost my pride, I lost my arrogance, I lost greed, I lost my […]

‘Which end of the Telescope are you seeing from?’

27th June 2024 John Maxwell shares this story in his book, ‘Be All You Can Be.’ “One day, little Bobby’s father came into the front room and saw the boy looking out on the street through the big end of a telescope. He said, “Son, that’s not the way you look through a telescope. If […]

‘You are Amazing!’

26th June 2024 It’s strange when one day you’re looking at your to-do list and conquering it at great speed, only the next day, to not care at all, ambushed by this sense of lack and not even knowing where to begin. But then, you hope this strange cloud will begin to lift as you […]

‘The Power to Choose’

25th June 2024 One of the most life-changing books I have ever read is Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”. The book is a chronicle by Viktor Frankl of his experiences as a German Nazi concentration camp inmate during World War II. In this book, Frankl describes his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a purpose […]

‘The Art of Saying No’

24th June 2024 Are you a people pleaser? Do you find yourself committing, to too much to keep others happy, whilst sacrificing your own mental health, time and energy levels? I struggle with this a lot, saying no can make you feel guilty and selfish, but of late, I have realised that it’s not selfish […]

‘Daily routine that makes me jealous’

23rd June 2024 This image of a day in the life of the luxury fashion icon Brunello Cucinelli made the rounds last week. A few things I love about this day: Work is done in sprints. Two focus blocks dedicated to a specific type of work. Slowness and leisure is built into the routine. Boredom […]

‘Beware of FOPO’

22nd June 2024 If you want to be your best and perform at a high level, is the ‘Fear of people’s opinions’ holding you back? Think about a time when you were extremely anxious — say, before standing up to publicly speak, raising your hand in a big meeting, or even walking through a room […]

‘Start with Yoga’

21st June 2024 “If You Can Pose for a Photographer, You Can Pose for Yoga Also” Like meditation, yoga is an extremely popular and effective method for becoming a more relaxed & easy going person. For centuries, yoga has been used to clear and free the mind, giving people feelings of ease and equanimity. It’s […]