Let’s Choose to be Kind

31st Oct, 2021 I choose to believe that kindness can bring the magic of hope to others. It is a simple way of telling another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world. Kindness is more than deeds, It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch, a smile. It […]
10th Apple Effect

30th Oct, 2021 A hunter once lost his way deep inside the jungle while chasing a deer. He used all of his navigation skills, but neither did he find any way out of the jungle nor could he find any food to eat for 3 days at a stretch. He lost all hope. He thought […]

29th Oct, 2021 We always have two Choices – To Be Grateful for what we have or To Be always Demanding more and more and get more Stressed! Below is a story I came across recently to highlight this more clearly. A 73 year old man in Italy recovered in a hospital from an illness. […]
Paradox of Happiness

28th Oct, 2021 “In his 1851 work American Notebooks, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote, “Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads us a wild-goose chase, and is never attained.” This is basically a restatement of the Stoic philosophers’ “Paradox of Happiness – To attain happiness, we […]
Helper’s High

27th Oct, 2021 This is another name for the uplifting feeling that people experience after doing a good deed or act of kindness. The Helper’s high is rooted in natural instincts to help our fellow humans. Evolution has wired us to help each other since helping others is beneficial to human survival. Psychologists have dubbed […]
The Power of Appreciation

26th Oct, 2021 Sharing a blog I read recently on the power of appreciation and gratitude. ‘Question :What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? Answer By Jonathan Pettit, the Director of Engineering at Qualcomm. “I was about ten. My mom had just finished creating one of her amazing meals, and I thoroughly […]
Law of the Farm

25th Oct, 2021 Centuries ago, a King was sitting in his cabinet meeting discussing about the poor economy of his country. One economist said, “Sir, we can’t do anything about it. It’s the Law of Supply and Demand.” The King said, “I’m the King. I will repeal that Law!” The Cabinet kept quiet, but one […]
The Karwa Chauth Festival

24th Oct, 2021 Karva is another word for a small earthen pot of water and chauth means ‘fourth’ in a reference to the fact that the festival falls on the fourth day of the dark-fortnight, or Krishna paksh, of the month of Kartik. Karwa Chauth is mostly celebrated in Northern India. One hypothesis is that […]
True Brahmin

23rd Oct, 2021 In the Mahabharata, when Dharamraj, Yudhishtira was asked, “Who is a true Brahmin”, Yudhisthira answered “The one who always harbours goodwill and good wishes for all beings in the Universe is a true Brahmin- one who has acquired brahminhood not by birth alone but through his noble actions. He who has gained […]
Getting Rich Vs Staying Rich

22nd Oct, 2021 What kind of person makes their way to the top of a successful company, or a big country? Someone who is determined, optimistic, doesn’t take “no” for an answer, and is relentlessly confident in their own abilities. What kind of person is likely to go overboard, bite off more than they can […]