‘Why not you?’

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9th May 2024

There are 3 kinds of people –

Those who make things happen,

Those who watch things happen and

Those who wonder what happened.

Which kind are you?

Get up, follow your dream, take risks and make things happen.

Someone will do something fresh, new and brave today…Why not you?

Someone will befriend a stranger, deliver hope to the hopeless and become a model of decency…Why not you?

Someone will turn pain into power, fear into fortune and confusion into clarity…Why not you?

Someone will be recognized for their mastery, celebrated for their acumen and praised for their excellence…Why not you?

Someone will forge a new start, install a new habit and build a better routine…Why not you?

Someone will let go of their past, rewire their present and rewrite their future…Why not you?

Someone will get the sale, finish the book or close the deal…Why not you?

Someone will set larger goals, take bigger risks and go to their limits…Why not you?

Someone will show uncommon kindness, be a giver, not a taker and leave people better than they found them…Why not you?

Someone will discover their “Mighty Why”, reconnect with their purpose and so radiate their passion…Why not you?

Someone will release their excuses, shatter their doubts and break free of their chains…Why not you?

Someone will experience true gratitude, speak real appreciation and feel sincere happiness… why not you?

Yes—why not you?

The question is not, ‘Can you?’

The question is,  ‘Will you do it today?’

Don’t worry about past failures, You have failed many times, although you don’t remember.

You fell down the first time you tried to walk.

You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim.

Don’t Worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.

Give life the best shot, you will succeed most times and fail a few times,that is life.

Celebrate the success & learn from your experience of failure & try again.

Never ever give up.

Ships are safer in the Harbour, but they are not meant for that purpose.

Get out of  your comfort zone, Sail away, Explore new frontiers, enjoy the journey  & Say blessed forever.