‘Success Markers’

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14th July 2024

What are your markers for Success?

Maya Angelou, the American civil rights activist, put it best,

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

How do you answer these questions:

What is success for you?

When will you know you’ve achieved it?

What sacrifices are you willing to make?

And for how long?

I love this old saying,

“Don’t climb the mountain and when you reach the top, you realise it was the wrong mountain & the view is not what you wanted to see.”

One of the great problems of our day is that nearly all of the markers of success are external.

We don’t look within to define success.

We look outside.

What size is their office?

What kind of car does he drive?

What neighborhood do they live in?

Which school do their children go?

Where do they holiday?

Etc etc.

If all we have are external markers of success then we are complicit in promoting a bloodthirsty culture—one that is about dominance, power, and control.

We speed up so we can get the validation we think we need & We become aggressive in our pursuits of making life work and end up making the wrong choices and use people for our own ends.

Success cannot be truly enjoyed because if you stop, slow down or smell the roses, someone—somewhere, might get ahead of you.

Take a moment to reflect on all that you’ve truly accomplished,

Who all have you touched with kindness & positivity.

How grateful are you for your umpteen blessings?

What has been your contribution to the world & to your community

Spend your Sunday enjoying all this and be proud of yourself.

I certainly am.

Go for the right success Markers,

Get them right to live a happy life & stay blessed forever.