‘Salt vs Rice’

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10th July 2024

If you were to cook 3 cups of rice, would you add 3 cups of salt to it?
Certainly not!

So, in every preparation of rice, the rice always outnumbers the salt, yet a little salt makes a huge difference /impact in the overall outcome.

In the room in which you currently are, look up at the ceiling…

What is the size of the bulb compared to the size of the room? It is probably a ratio of 1:5000.

Yet, darkness flees & the entire space is lit, once the small bulb is flipped on.

If you are salt of the earth, and the light of the world, then “little me” has the ability to make big things happen.

Sometimes you may feel outnumbered or overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of evil or wrong-doers, and you may choose powerlessness and decide to go with the flow, not standing up for what you believe is right and not wanting to change the way things are.

But little doesn’t mean insignificant, you are significant, and your presence should and can make a BIG difference.

Stop waiting to be on the side of the majority.
They may be the majority, but they are the trivial majority, and you are the impactful minority.

They are the rice of the world, and you are the salt of the world.
They are the room and you are the light.

Too many people believe that playing their best game as a human being requires them to revolutionize their lives and for most of us, that’s a scary thought.

No one wants to make massive changes to the way they think, feel, and behave.
We all love staying within our comfort zone.

But guess what, lasting personal change does not require you to turn your life upside down.
The best way to get to your greatness is through small, continuous steps-what is called the “1% Wins”.

If you improve your health only 1% each day for the next 30 days, you will see a 30% increase in that dimension of your life in only 1 month.

Same for every other area of your life, from your relationships to your career.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Little strokes fell great oaks.”

The Japanese have talked for centuries about Kaizen, which means ‘small continuous improvements.’

Instead of trying to make radical changes in a short amount of time, if you can just make small improvements – just 1% better – every day, that will gradually lead to the change you want in your life.

Make your influence felt!
Remember you are the world’s seasoning, you have been sent here to make it beautiful.

So if we can just be the right seasoning to make even one life beautiful our life is worth living.

Be the light in the dark world, be the change & stay blessed forever.