‘If your life was a movie, what would be the title?’

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18th July 2024

Seriously, Have you ever thought about this?

On this special day, it got me thinking & introspecting,

How would one like to be known?

Hence, do you need to make any life changes or changes in your attitude to justify your title.

I would personally say my life movie should be titled as

Find Joy & Spread Joy or

This too shall pass! Or

Lifelong learner or

Go-Giver or

New Beginnings or

The Best is yet to come..

Stay Positive or just simply

Stay blessed Forever

Life is not about growing old, it is about looking ahead, about leaving the past behind & growing.

It’s about Releasing all things from the past that cause any negative attachment, Forgive & move on.

Prepare for & welcome new changes, new lessons & new adventures.

Welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally & spiritually.

Believe good things are on the way & they will be.

I shall like to end this note with a small prayer:

Dear God

“I don’t know who or what will cross my path this year, but I do know that,

You are my Rock and my Fortress.

You are my Shield and my Strong Tower.

Help me to anchor myself to You this year,

Help me walk by your truth and not my feelings.

Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity,

Help me have the maturity to understand and relax, to manage my tensions and be bothered only by things which really matter.

Thank You God, that You love me, and for all your blessings and all the wonderful things you have planned for me, and nothing can ever take that away from me!

Thank you, God, for this wonderful Life and for blessing me with all the wonderful people in my life.

Be grateful, Choose the title of your movie, adopt it and stay blessed forever.