“Find your Garden”

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25th May 2024

If you want to unlock new insights, you need to find your ‘Garden,’ a place where you can be with yourself and think and learn & unlearn, focus and unfocus, forgive & be forgiven, to be productive & unproductive.

John D. Rockefeller would use take regular breaks from his notoriously demanding schedule to mill about in his garden—it was his personal escape, the place where he could think slowly and clearly.

If you ask most ultra-successful people about the daily rituals that contribute to their effectiveness, all of them cite some personal version of Rockefeller’s Garden—an escape that allows them to create space in their life to think, some paint, some sing, some write a journal.

Bill Gates has his ‘Think Week,’ where he just goes off for a week only to read, think & contemplate.

Many of our civilization’s top imaginers spent a lot of time in nature.

Long walks in the woods or extended hours in a cottage by the sea.

In one documentary I watched on Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis, loves to remain on the deck of his yacht, and simply stare up at the heavens.

Buffett even went so far as to say that while he values advice from others, he gets his best advice from himself (“I talk to myself”).

This weekend, find your ‘Garden,’ then enter it daily to gain some insights & stay blessed forever.