22th March 2025
95% of the time you have with your children is over by the time they turn 18.
Writer and philosopher Sam Harris once said, “No matter how many times you do something, there will come a day when you do it for the last time.”
There will be a last time your kids want you to read them a bedtime story, a last time you’ll go for a long walk with your sibling, a last time you’ll hug your parents at a family gathering, a last time your friend will call you for support.
How many moments do you really have remaining with your loved ones?
It’s probably not as many as you’d like to believe.
All the tiny moments, people & experiences that we take for granted will eventually be ones, we wish we had more of.
Time is your most precious asset & the present is all that’s guaranteed.
Spend it wisely, with those you love, in ways you’ll never regret.
I could relate this to the irrationality with which most of us live our lives, postponing living life, ignoring the beautiful things that happen around us while we race towards achieving fame, name, success & of course a lot of money and postpone living till we reach the milestone or till 40/50/60.
But, will our loved ones still be waiting for us to do the things they want to do with us.
Stop being so busy, Give time to your loved ones, Give time to yourself & stay blessed forever.