Day by day nothing changes & when you look back, suddenly everything has changed & things are different.

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Day by day nothing changes & when you look back, suddenly everything has changed & things are different.

Time changes everything & everyone.

Albert Einstein made a very strong remark when he said that *Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity.*

If you do want a different result then the only thing that you can do is to change the things that you’ve been doing thus far.

The end of an year is a good time to reflect what has changed & plan for the change going forward.

It is important to change because,

“People who change after change will survive,

People who change with change will succeed &

People who cause the change will lead.”

This too shall pass,

Change is the only constant.

For the New Year,

Plan the change, Start the change, become better & stay Blessed forever.