“Claim Responsibility”

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16th May 2024

When something goes wrong, the human reaction is to place blame on others but this reduces our ability to establish trust with the people who matter.

The more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives, the more power we will exercise over our lives. Accepting responsibility for our problems is the first step to solving them.

There were two houses standing next to each other. In one of them resided a very unhappy family. The spouses yelled at each other, fought and quarreled all the time.

The other house was a place of happiness and calm.

During one of the fights the wife asked her husband:

“Do you ever hear them quarrel or yell over at that house? No!

Why don’t you go there and see what they do to avoid fighting & arguing.”

The husband went & stood at the window of his neighbors and watched.

They were busy doing their own thing. The wife was in the kitchen cooking, and the man sat at the table writing.

The phone rang, and the man jumped up and headed to the hallway to get it.

On his way he bumped into a vase, it fell and broke.

He got down to his knees and started picking up the pieces.

The wife ran into the room from the kitchen. She also kneeled down and started helping her husband to pick them up.

The man said to his wife:

“I am so sorry. I rushed to get the phone and bumped into the vase. It fell and broke.”

The wife replied:

“No, honey, it is my fault. I put it there on the way. That’s why you bumped into it.”

They kissed, and it was over. Both got back to what they were doing.

The man watched them & returned to his wife who was curious & wanted to know the secret of their happiness.

The man shared, “I know it now. In their family they both are guilty, both claim the fault and take responsibility for it, and in our family both of us are always right!”

That’s the secret of family happiness!

The “trick” isn’t in not wanting to take responsibility, but rather in not claiming right.

There are times you need to forfeit your right to win your peace: depends on which you cherish most.

This recipe is applicable, not only in the home, but also at work and in all relationships.

We all love to take responsibility for success and happiness. Hell, we often fight over who gets to be responsible for success and happiness. But taking responsibility for our problems is far more important, because that’s where the real learning comes from. That’s where the real-life improvement comes from and to simply blame others is only hurting yourself.

Claim Responsibility for all your actions & stay blessed forever.