‘Kiss That Frog’

12th April, 2023 In their new book, ‘Kiss That Frog,’ team of motivational author and speaker Brian Tracy and psychotherapist Christina Tracy Stein expand on the fairy tale (which was also the title hook of his earlier book, ‘Eat That Frog’) to teach us to recognize and learn from your frogs – fears, uncertainties and […]
‘Solomon’s Paradox’

06th April, 2023 Simply put, you can give great advice to others but struggle to apply that same advice to your own life. It can be frustrating when you feel like you know what you should be doing but you’re actually not doing it. King Solomon, the third leader of the Jewish Kingdom, is thought […]
‘The Dan Sullivan Question’

05th April, 2023 Sometimes a great question changes everything. A great question can spark insight. A great question can provide an exciting new perspective on a specific challenge or opportunity you are facing. Dan Sullivan, who has coached thousands of top business leaders and founder of ‘The Strategic Coach,’ asks this question in his best […]
‘Put Things in Perspective’

04th April, 2023 Eddie Rickenbacker, drifted in a life raft for 21 days, hopelessly lost in the Pacific. After surviving the ordeal, Rickenbacker said, “If you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never complain about anything.” The dictionary defines perspective as “the […]
Rule the World

01st April, 2023 In the jungle which animal is the biggest – Elephant. In the jungle which animal is the tallest – Giraffe. In the jungle which animal is the wisest – Fox. In the jungle which animal is the fastest – Cheetahs. Among all these wonderful qualities mentioned, where is the Lion in the […]
Simple Advice

27th March, 2023 In the endnotes of his brilliant book, ‘Winning the Loser’s Game,’ Charles Ellis wrote about two of his best friends who, at the peak of their distinguished careers in medicine, agreed that the two most important discoveries in medical history were penicillin and washing hands (which stopped the spreading of infection from […]
‘Delayed Gratification’

15th March, 2023 In today’s day and age of one click purchases & immediately accessible information, instant gratification is seen as the norm though it isn’t always best – in fact, impulse control is an essential life skill. When it comes to achieving your goals, delayed gratification is the skill that will get you there […]
‘Go Slow, Go Far’

13th March, 2023 Most young tree saplings spend their early decades under the shade of their mother’s canopy. Limited sunlight means they grow slowly. Slow growth leads to dense, hard wood. But something interesting happens if you plant a tree in an open field: free from the shade of bigger trees, the sapling gorges on […]
‘Be Curious and Learn’

10th March, 2023 Back in early school, at some point, we were all introduced to Alice, the girl whose sense of wonder at the world led to ‘curiouser and curiouser’ events. But along the way, I think we all lost the plot a bit. Yes, we all know that knowledge leads to innovation but not […]

03rd March, 2023 Swamiji had a pet cat, which licked food off all the plates and bowls at dinner-time. So the swami told one of his disciples to tie the cat to a tree nearby till dinner was over, so that the cat would not mess with them. A few years passed. The swami died. […]