‘The 33% People Rule’

9th June, 2023 It basically states that 33% of your time should be spent with mentors (people that challenge you), 33% with your peers (those on the same level as you), and 33% with people that you can mentor and guide. The idea was created by Tai Lopez, TED speaker and creator of some famously […]
‘The Gunny Sacker’

7th June, 2023 You toss the memory of each hurt into a big gunny sack that you carry invisibly on your shoulders. The sack gets heavier as you fill it with recollections of ever more hurtful interactions. One day suddenly you have had enough. You heave the heavy full gunny sack up, swing it around […]
‘Never Assume – Always Ask’

4th June, 2023 One of the four principles Don Miguel Ruiz writes about is “Never Assume, always ask” in his book, “The fifth agreement – a practical guide to self mastery.” This is best illustrated in this short parable I remember reading. ‘His request approved; the News photographer quickly used a cell phone to call […]
’Put the Glass Down’

27th May, 2023 A Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students “How much do you think this glass weighs?” ’50gm 100gm or 125gm’ The student answered. “I really don’t know unless I weigh it,” said the […]
The Concorde Effect

19th May, 2023 Even though it’s tempting to carry on with something that cost you so much in the first place, you should abandon it as soon as you realize that continuing with it will cost you more time and money than the alternatives. But this rarely happens due to what is known as the […]

16th May, 2023 “There will always be someone in this life who just doesn’t like you, no matter how hard you try to please them. There will always be something that you say, or do, which causes offence or division. Whether you meant to or not. There will always be someone who finds fault in […]
Identify your ‘Muda’

11th May, 2023 Muda is one of three recognized deviations that can prevent organizations from achieving their goal of optimal allocation of resources. The word is Japanese for “waste” and it encompasses every aspect of production that utilizes resources yet adds no value. A leading Hotel chain invited Mr. Masai Imai from Japan to hold […]
‘The mouse trap’

09th May, 2023 A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: “There is a mousetrap in the house! […]
An Email To Self

06th May, 2023 People at the top of their profession are thought to be quite self cantered and sure of themselves. But one of the best-known tech figures of all time had a remarkably poignant take on life and humanity a year before he passed away. In 2010, Steve Jobs had been diagnosed with cancer, […]
‘Small Habits’

03rd May, 2023 Some studies suggest that big dogs are more well-behaved pets. They also point out that bigger dogs usually have better behavior than smaller dogs. But it’s not because they’re inherently better animals; it’s because of humans. We tend to put less effort into the discipline of little dogs because we assume they […]