’Try it – Maybe you can’

20th August, 2023 I love the story of the old lady who, when asked if she could play the piano, responded that she didn’t know. “What do you mean, you don’t know?” she was asked. The lady smilingly replied, “I’ve never tried.” That’s a good answer that I hope will open some eyes, ears, and […]
’Help someone to help yourself’

17th August, 2023 Somebody once made the observation that the person who is wrapped up entirely in himself makes a very small package—and the package contains an unhappy person. Think about this: Have you ever known a genuinely happy, self-centred person? I love the story, often told, about a man who was hiking in the […]
‘Spend Energy To Have Energy’

12th August, 2023 It’s a paradox and so familiar from experience, your energy level is often proportional to your energy expenditure. After a relaxing vacation, you’re exhausted. After weeks in quarantine doing nothing, you’re exhausted. After a day idly watching Netflix and scrolling and tapping a screen, you’re exhausted. On the flip side: after a […]
‘Cut Out The Bad Bits’

11th August, 2023 Jerry Seinfeld, the Billionaire actor, writer & producer identifies the ultimate skill of the artist as “taste of creativity and discernment.” “It’s one thing to create,” Seinfeld says. “The other is you have to choose. What are we going to do, and what are we not going to do is the final […]
‘Is Knowledge Power?’

7th August 2023 We often hear that knowledge is power. But this statement is only a half-truth. Knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge is power only when put to use—and then only when the use made of it is constructive. The story is told that the great scientist Einstein was once asked how many feet […]
‘Accumulative Advantage’

3rd Aug, 2023 Have you ever wondered, why do a few people, teams, and organizations enjoy the bulk of the rewards in life? The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. Scientists have cataloged approximately 16,000 different tree species in the Amazon. But despite this remarkable level of diversity, researchers have […]
Take responsibility

31st July,2023 Here’s a story from John Rossman’s book ‘Think Like Amazon’: Steve Jobs told employees a short story when they were promoted to vice president at Apple. Jobs would tell the VP that if the garbage in his office was not being emptied, Jobs would naturally demand an explanation from the janitor. “Well, the […]
Schedule your priorities

30th July,2023 Most people feel guilty about taking a day off or spending some time during the working day pursuing non-work-related interests. Ideally, you should work to live, not live to work. Do you get the difference? Of course, we all need to work, but your job shouldn’t identify who you are as a person […]
‘The Pygmalion Effect’

28th July, 2023 In the 1960s, the psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson went to 18 classrooms and told teachers that some of their students had an “unusual potential for intellectual gains.” The students identified as having unusual potential, in reality, were selected at random. When later tested, the “unusual” students became unusual, showing greater […]
‘Why I Read Books’

22nd July,2023 This quote by Mark Twain sums it all up – “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Books have enriched, upgraded and saved my life. …when all was well, great books strengthened my creativity, artistry, productivity and jubilation. …when things were hard, […]