The Trade-off?

25th September, 2023 Continuing with the theme of Work – Life balance, For his book, ‘30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans,’ Professor Karl Pillemer interviewed thousands of people over the age of 65 to figure out what lessons they had for the younger people. The most glaring detail from […]
’Lessons from F Words!’

23rd September, 2023 Take this simple test. Read the sentence below, and see how many Fs you can find: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS. So how many did you count? Three? Four? Or five? If you counted six, congratulations. You are a genius. In […]
‘Don’t quit’

12th September, 2023 It’s amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough. Most people give up too early. Their fears are bigger than their faith. Don’t complicate things. Getting to your best in life is simple. Not easy but simple. It just takes focus and effort. Small daily gains lead […]
Yes Weekend!

9th September, 2023 You can make the world a better place by making yourself a better person. The answers you seek, never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still, when silence speaks loudest. Socrates once said, “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” So, just do what you love […]
‘Take action’

4th September, 2023 Have you ever dreamt a great dream or had an inspiring idea, but then went back to your daily routine and lost sight of it? The next time inspiration knocks, invite it in. Remember that fulfilling a dream and following an inspiration requires your investment in time and effort. Determine the steps […]
’The responsibility is yours’

2nd September, 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. stated in a 1953 radio address, “One of the most common tendencies of human nature is that of placing responsibility on some external agency for mistakes we have made. We are forever attempting to find some scapegoat on which we cast responsibility for our actions.” We all tend […]
Do you have a mountain to Climb?

1st September, 2023 If two people want to climb a mountain, what’s the most important thing they need? Is it equipment? Or training? Favourable weather conditions? Teamwork? Luck? The answer of course is that while they need all of these for sure, the most important thing they really need is the mountain itself. In our […]
‘Value Life’

29th August, 2023 Carefulness is a characteristic of being cautious, thoughtful, or prudent. A friend of mine who used to say that he misplaces and loses his pen very often. He used only very cheap pens so that he does not need to worry about losing them. He was worried about hiscarelessness and wanted to […]
Better fail than regret later.

28th August, 2023 At a school reunion last year, I met a batchmate whom I had not seen for many many years. Vinay was a very bright student and had graduated with honors from a top notch college. His goal, and what he was passionate about, was to start his own business venture. During our […]
Don’t hit the Snooze button.

26th August, 2023 I target getting up at 5.30 every morning and have an alarm on my phone to wake me up. The shrill sound of the wake-up alarm is the loudest noise of the day, But invariably, when the alarm rings, I hit the Snooze button, sometimes once, sometimes twice and I finally get […]