“Are you ready for 2024?”

3rd Jan 2024 “But amidst a world of uncertainty, there is a collective hope that resides. It’s an evolutionary part of the human spirit: to endure, to defy the odds, to rise.” ~ Tony Robbins Welcome to 2024, my friend. As we look ahead at the next 12 months, one thing is clear: we are […]
‘Time to refill & renew’

24th Dec 2023 Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. It’s Christmas Eve, Santa is on his way, Wish for what you want, Wish for what your heart desires, Believe & have faith that God will deliver. It Christmas time & along with revelry & merriment, let’s remember […]
Are You in Your Own Prison?

19th Dec 2023 At his swearing-in ceremony as the President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela invited all the jailers of that very prison in which he was tortured and humiliated during his 27 years of rigorous imprisonment. His well-wishers were perplexed as to why he would want to invite those people who gave him uncountable […]
‘Know what you don’t know’

15th Dec 2023 I recently read a great quote by Sophia Bush, ‘You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and work in progress, simultaneously.’ Another quote which resonates with me is, ‘The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.’ You can only grow and make progress if you understand your weakness & […]
‘Small Baby Steps’

6th Dec, 2023 Daily and continuous micro improvements lead to major gains. Steady and consistent elevations in the way you work, lead, and live lead to amazing results. Slow and steady wins the race. Every dream started small and grew step by step. One hundred and twenty years ago, at Jacobs Pharmacy, a customer paid […]
‘Get your Answers’

29th Nov, 2023 On Gurupurab, I walked into the Gurudwara with some resolutions in my mind and ready to ask for a number of blessings from the Guru and find the answers to some things bothering me. Before asking from the Guru, I felt I needed to offer a small donation and I Took out […]
‘Why Me?’

25th Nov, 2023 When things go bad in your life, it’s easy to think ‘Why me?’ Why do I have a rubbish job? Why is my relationship not working? Why did I lose my phone? Why is my family so difficult? Why am I sick? Why do people treat me poorly? Why did my car […]
‘The Fault Finders’

24th Nov, 2023 “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” To be specific, these small minds are fault-finders, which according to the Webster dictionary, are people who habitually find fault, complain, or object, especially in a petty way. As a part of human nature, we subconsciously search for faults in […]
‘Become a Two-dollar Man’

25th Oct, 2023 One of my life gurus was Jim Rohn – the grand old man of American motivational speaking. I read an interesting piece of advice from him, which I found quite fascinating & try to put in practise. Very simply put it talks about- ‘Becoming a two-dollar man!’ According to him the next […]
‘Find your Passion’

19th Oct, 2023 One common piece of advice you might hear when deciding on a career is to “follow your passion.” Following the work, ideas & projects that make you feel fulfilled & motivated can help lead you to jobs you will enjoy and succeed in. While the idea is simple, it can be difficult […]