
30th Sept 2024 Iam sure you have heard & read the below para several times, “Focus on the positives, focus on the possibilities, focus on your goals, focus on the why & how will become easy. The size of our problems is nothing As compared to our ability to solve them BUT We focus on […]
‘Niksen – The Dutch Art of Doing nothing’

29th Sept 2024 After yesterday’s post, a lot of readers asked me to share more about ‘Niksen’ Niksen is a North European trend that’s being embraced as a way to combat increasingly busy and often stressful lives. The Dutch concept is as simple as, well, Doing nothing. Well, as author Olga Mecking writes […]
‘The Art of doing Nothing’

28th Sept 2024 Thich Nhat Hanh wrote, “People should learn how to be just there, doing nothing…it’s not so easy to just be. If you can be happy, relaxed & smiling when you are not doing something, you’re quite strong. Doing nothing brings about quality of being, which is very important. So doing nothing is […]

27th Sept 2024 Most people I have met over the years are capable of building the life they want, but few execute on that capability. I’ve come to believe that there is one common theme that holds people back from living the life they want—and the life they are capable of living: ‘Overthinking.’ And what’s […]
‘Social Proof’

26th September 2024 You are going to your office. At an intersection, you encounter a group of people, all staring at the sky. Without even thinking about it, you peer upward too, to check what is happening. Why? Because of Social proof. In the middle of a play, when the actor enacts a great scene, […]
‘The seduction of Pessimism’

25th September 2024 In a world where optimism is the most reasonable stance, Have you ever wondered why there are some people who are eternal optimists but on the other hand most people are perennial pessimists. Even though optimism is about positivity and about feel good, And pessimism is about negativity and looking at the […]

24th September 2024 Before eating, Japanese people say “itadakimasu,” a polite phrase meaning “I receive this food.” This standard phrase before a meal, comes from the verb, “itadaku”, a humble way of saying, to eat and receive. The person who prepared the meal would reply, “Douzo meshiagare” which means, “Please help yourself.” This expresses thanks […]
“Practice, practice, practice.”

23rd September 2024 A pedestrian on 57th Street sees a musician getting out of a cab and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Without pause, the artist replies wearily, “Practice, practice, practice.” Life is all about that practice that will take you to the Carnegie Hall of success. Just that it will take […]
‘Become a good example’

22nd September 2024 Children believe that the way their parents act is the correct way. Your values & beliefs become their values & beliefs. The best way to inspire your children to develop into the kind of adults you dream of them becoming, is to become the kind of adult you want them to be. […]
‘The Two Types of Happiness’

21st September 2024 I recently came across this wonderful concept about the kinds of happiness. Happiness can be defined in many ways. In psychology, there are two popular conceptions of happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic. Both kinds of happiness are achieved and contribute to overall well-being in different ways. Hedonic Happiness is Achieved through pleasure, enjoyment, […]