‘Allow yourself to be bored’

20th July 2024 Blaise Pascal said, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” How many times do you utter the phrase, “I am getting bored.” We often hear children say, “It’s really boring – I have nothing to do – I am bored.” My immediate response to […]

‘To New beginnings…’

19th July 2024 As I completed another wonderful and eventful year, I was reviewing the year gone by and planning for the year ahead and it got me thinking on how so many things change and how they remain the same. It has now become a ritual for me on this day to open my […]

‘If your life was a movie, what would be the title?’

18th July 2024 Seriously, Have you ever thought about this? On this special day, it got me thinking & introspecting, How would one like to be known? Hence, do you need to make any life changes or changes in your attitude to justify your title. I would personally say my life movie should be titled […]

‘The Spotlight Effect’

17th July 2024 Have you ever had a stain on your shirt & have been too scared to go in a public place afraid what will people think. The truth is most people will not even notice the stain and you have been all along afraid of what people will think of you. Just think, […]

‘The 99 Club’

16th July 2024 Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither happy nor content. One day, he came upon a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This fascinated the King; why was he, the Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom, unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly servant […]

‘Just Start’

15th July 2024 Have you ever dreamt a great dream or had an inspiring idea, but then went back to your daily routine and lost sight of it? The next time inspiration knocks, invite it in. Remember that fulfilling a dream and following an inspiration requires your investment in time. Don’t keep your dreams in […]

‘Success Markers’

14th July 2024 What are your markers for Success? Maya Angelou, the American civil rights activist, put it best, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” How do you answer these questions: What is success for you? When will you know you’ve achieved it? What sacrifices are you […]

‘Be Happy’

13th July 2024 Happiness is an attitude, very little is needed to make a happy life. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy & strong. The amount of work is the same. You hold the key to your happiness, If you wait for a happy moment, you will wait forever, but if you start believing […]

‘Keep Kicking’

12th July 2024 A crisis is a true test of character, they say. And given how several people find themselves in a crisis these days, it’s useful to remember some basic lessons in surviving, nay thriving in, troubled times. Ups and downs are a part of business and of life but how you tackle the […]

‘The Dirty Window’

11th July 2024 I am sure you’ve heard the story of the young couple who moved into a new apartment. One morning, the woman looked out of her kitchen window and saw the neighbours’ laundry drying on a line. The clothes looked dirty, really dirty. ‘I don’t think they know how to wash clothes. They […]