‘Why do I write?’

30th July 2024 A lot of my daily blog readers often ask me, how do I manage to post a blog regularly every day, how do I manage the time & energy to do it without fail & why do I do it, what inspires me to do it? I write because I have no […]

‘Who Moved My Cheese’

29th July 2024 I have read this little book by Spencer Johnson, multiple times and read it whenever any new complexity arises. The book is about coping up positively with change. ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ illustrates the simple fact that change will happen, whether we choose to accept it or not. The defining factor is […]

‘Be Happy’

28th July 2024 The best feeling in the world is realizing that you’re perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed. “Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.” To get happy & be happy, Keep your […]

‘Don’t Leave nothing for later’

27th July 2024 At some point in our life journey, we are all probably guilty of the “I’ll do it after;” of “chasing someday.” Have you ever said, “Someday I’ll get to that?”  Sure, most of us have. It is important for us to remember that someday may come in folk tales and fairy tales […]

‘The Olympics are here’

26th  July 2024 ‘Citius Altius Fortius’ meaning Faster, Higher, Stronger is the motto of the Olympics. The ultimate sporting event for athletes to do their best, win medals for their country, and gain sporting glory. There is a lot of hard work, tears, sweat, and blood behind qualifying for the Olympics & only a few […]

‘The 80/20 Principle’

25th July 2024 This “universal truth” about the imbalance of inputs and outputs is what became known as the Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule. While it doesn’t always come to be an exact 80/20 ratio, this imbalance is often seen in various business cases: * 20% of the sales reps generate 80% of total […]

‘I’ve learned…’

24th July 2024 Recently I celebrated my Birthday, that got me thinking about what has been, what I have learned all along & what rules I should try & follow for the rest of my life. Sharing some thoughts, learnings & the possible way forward….. I’ve learned ….that you have to give first to recieve. […]

‘Budget Day’

23rd July 2024 It’s the much-awaited Union Budget Day! Budget is like life. It is all about balancing; Balancing priorities, Balancing what you have & what you need, Deciding where to generate resources & Allocating resources to your goal and like life, planning for uncertainties. Like our family budget, The government also has a tough […]

‘The world is mine’

22nd July 2024 ~ Joy lovelet Crawford This wonderful poem is my ‘Go to poem,’ whenever I need a reminder to be grateful for the umpteen blessings & the need to have the right attitude to utilise our resources & achieve our potential. “Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman, And wished […]

‘Everyone is my teacher’

21st July 2024 “Guru and God both appear before me. To whom should I prostrate? I bow before my Guru who introduced God to me” ~ Sant Kabir Life is a long journey of learning & anyone from whom I can learn is my Guru. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I learn […]