‘The Pareto Principle’

14th June, 2023 Sometime in the late 1800s—nobody is quite sure exactly when—a man named Vilfredo Pareto was fussing about in his garden when he made a small but interesting discovery. Pareto noticed that a tiny number of pea pods in his garden produced the majority of the peas. Now, Pareto was a very mathematical […]

‘The Black Balloon’

13th June, 2023 There was a man who made his living selling balloons at a beach. He was center of attraction for the small kids, who came to the beach along with their families.  The balloon seller used to sell balloons of many different colors. He knew how well the different colors attract the children. […]

‘The power of Purpose’

12th June, 2023 Whenever I think about the role of, ‘Purpose in my life,’ I am reminded of a parable – The story of three bricklayers which is a multi-faceted parable with many different variations, but is rooted in an authentic story. After the great fire of 1666 that leveled London, the famous architect, Christopher […]

‘Wasting time’

11TH June, 2023 The world and it’s ways are designed to make us feel guilty if we reduce our working hours, or take some time off or go on a holiday. Everywhere you look, books and publications are full of productivity hacks—ways to improve productivity, get more done and—very important—stop “wasting time.” Remember, you are […]

‘Avoid the regrets’

10th June, 2023 The weekend is for working for the regrets that you may have later. Collect moments, not things, don’t only make money, make memories. In the end that is what matters. Work For a cause, Not for applause, Live to express, Not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, work to […]

‘The 33% People Rule’

9th June, 2023 It basically states that 33% of your time should be spent with mentors (people that challenge you), 33% with your peers (those on the same level as you), and 33% with people that you can mentor and guide. The idea was created by Tai Lopez, TED speaker and creator of some famously […]

‘Add the positives’

8th June,2023 I still remember the day I was preparing fresh lime water for the first time…I ended up adding almost five times the amount of lemon than needed.It was a disaster. I had to correct it anyhow. How I wish I could remove some lemon juice from water to make it taste perfect again!But […]

‘The Gunny Sacker’

7th June, 2023 You toss the memory of each hurt into a big gunny sack that you carry invisibly on your shoulders. The sack gets heavier as you fill it with recollections of ever more hurtful interactions. One day suddenly you have had enough. You heave the heavy full gunny sack up, swing it around […]

Do we always need words to learn and understand?

6th June, 2023 A professor went for a walk in the woods with his students. Suddenly, a student slipped while walking on the slope, and started rolling downhill. He was about to fall into the ditch when a bamboo plant came in the way and he caught hold of it. He held onto the bamboo […]

World Environment Day

5th June, 2023 “It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanates from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit” ~Robert Louis Stevenson. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June […]