‘Take a break – Live close to nature’

24th June,2023 Many of our civilization’s top imaginers spent a lot of time in nature. Long walks in the woods. Extended hours in a cottage by the sea. Quiet evenings staring up at the stars. In one documentary I watched on Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis, I learned that after the stylish guests that he would […]
Joy of giving

23rd June,2023 One of the great Hollywood actresses, Katherine Hepburn was possibly the only person who won the Oscar Award four times, apart from being nominated a dozen times, but was never present in the grand ceremony to receive it. She had a strong belief that only the affection and love of the people who […]
Power of a Hug

22nd June,2023 A little Boy came from School on Saturday and told his Father, my Teacher has given us Homework to Hug Ten people and tell them: ~Be Patient ~Trust life & ~I Love you The Father said – “OK, we will go to the Mall tomorrow morning and do it “. The Child woke […]
‘Start with Yoga’

21st June,2023 Like meditation, yoga is an extremely popular and effective method for becoming a more relaxed, easy-going person. For centuries, yoga has been used to clear and free the mind, giving people feelings of ease and equanimity. It’s easy to do and takes only a few minutes a day. What’s more, people of virtually […]
‘Positives in your negatives’

20th June,2023 Biologically speaking, humans have a ‘Negativity Bias’ which means we’re actually designed to focus on the negatives. Our brains are hardwired for negativity, because human beings are wired to survive. It’s more natural for us to expect the worst, catastrophize, be cautious and slow to change. If the default position is to survive, […]
’The 2% Mindset’

19th June,2023 Only 2% of the population go for their dreams with confidence and persist after failure, Only 2% of the population choose happiness and fulfillment. Only 2% of the population get the most out of life by exploring new things and embracing the unknown. Only 2% of the population achieve their dreams because they […]
Lessons I Learned from My Dad

18th June,2023 In my childhood days whenever I confessed to my dad, of my latest blunder, invariably there was a long silence. Was he angry? His silence was more menacing than a scolding or a lecture. Even without him reprimanding, most of the times, his silence worked. Perhaps most dads are like that — tough […]
‘Success Markers’

17th June,2023 What are your markers for Success? Get them right to live a happy life. Take a moment to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished this past week, Who all did you touch with kindness? How grateful were you for your umpteen blessings? How many did you forgive and how many people forgave you? […]
‘The Mensa Convention’

16th June,2023 According to American Mensa Society, the Latin word Mensa has several meanings: “mind,” “table” and “month.” Mensa was created to serve as a round-table society for highly intelligent people to meet on a monthly basis. There is only one criterion for membership in Mensa: Each member must possess a high IQ score at […]
‘You get what you give’

15th June, 2023 Once upon a time, a farmer and a baker lived in the same small village. They became friends and developed a good bond. One day, the baker asked the farmer for a regular supply of some butter for his bakery. These two men made a friendly arrangement in place, where the farmer […]